This online Art Therapy course, presented by Art Therapist & Founder of Empowered Art Therapy and Kindred Art Space, Kerryn Knight enables you to gain a greater understanding of yourself, your strengths, challenges and learning edges through creative, expressive processes. This online course will provide you with:
- Background information about Art Therapy and its benefits for Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Mindfulness techniques for daily self-care
- Guided Imagery process for relaxation
- Creative writing to look at your values, strengths, learning edges, challenges, and resilience.
- Learn creative techniques for you to use with clients
Who should complete this online Art Therapy course?
This online Art Therapy course is suitable for anyone who wants to experience Art Therapy and its benefits for mental health and wellbeing. Recognised by the Australian Counselling Association (ACA), this course provides you with 5 OPD towards your professional development.
For Counsellors, Therapists and Allied Health Professionals, this online course provides creative and experiential processes coupled with practical tools to use with clients.